From Our Family To You and Yours

Our 7 was born out of our family’s journey successfully navigating the most devastating news we could have possibly imagined for our then one year old son Ryder.
From the beginning, we’ve only wanted the best, science-backed solutions for him that nature could provide.
While the options for ingredients supporting cellular health are nearly endless and can be overwhelming at times…
After a decade of pouring through the peer reviewed literature and interviewing the top holistic specialist doctors on the continent….
We’ve seen definite patterns concerning which nutrients are backed by the highest number of studies, and mentioned most commonly by the doctors we trust most.
While there will never be a one size fits all product, and you should always consult your healthcare provider…
Our 7 was formulated to reflect seven key research-backed nutrients we were led to on our journey. We’re very confident these will be a great addition to your holistic health regimen.
Having a formula like this combining so many highly studied and widely agreed upon nutrients in one convenient product is something we always wished we had…
Which is why we’re SO happy to be able to make it available to you. 🙂
Ryan & Teddy Sternagel